Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Pirate effect

The butterflies in my stomach make me vomit
I met a man with one blue eye that says he never lies
He holds a promise in his hand with purple flames upon it
I eat his words and fire burns dead my butterflies

Titanic colors in my stomach make me puke
I met a man with wooden legs and all three touch my ground
He's gentle with his finger but chokes me with his hook
and butterflies escape my throat whenever he's around

Little hovers in my stomach make me nauseous
He saw my shell, my drunkest self but has not clue about me
The time lord whispers in my ear that i should be more cautious
Tic-toc the clock goes forward and soon he'll be without me

Some butterflies in my stomach are not dead
they hover in my stomach, they hover in my head
tic-toc the clock , he makes me shy
and blood my chicks red dye
tic-toc i killed one butterfly

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Last night's dream

It's part of the treatment, myself told me last night,
to sit and try to relax at places where you would give your ultimate fight.

You can see your body, that way, from distance
laying, hanging peacefully, out of thoughts with no resistance.

You can change places every day, staring at the trees,
walking side by a river or just lay underwater,

but take some moments, hold your breath and freeze,
and watch the greatest of all the times slaughter,

please no, don't be afraid, take it with ease,
you are despair's son and vanity's daughter.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Happy Smiles Giving

I was lying alone in my bed feeling sick
so i created a clone to hug under the sheet.

"This air can't be breathed", i cried like a child,
"but your lungs are fulfilled", my dear clone replied.

I asked for a story, a bedtime cute tale
to fall in some dream and stop this sleep fail.

"There once was a boy..", my clone's pale voice started,
"..who lived in a town where love seemed retarded.

People would smile at faces that smiled
and kill all the others to clean the mankind.

But the boy was born crying and the neighbors did heard
so they grabbed all their weapons to protect smiles from hurt.

Make me smile and laugh hard, said the boy to his mother,
Ι want to love and be loved like all the others have each other.

And the mother start fighting for the sake of her son,
every day felt like war and every night she dreamed she won.

She tried clowns, silly jokes, and fairy tales for Santa Claus,
she tried hard with truth and lies but it was all a lost cause.

Then she paid a famous actor to teach the boy how smile should be
and he became the best of smilers, so he was acting to be free.

For long years this play hold when one day he came of age
and he noticed in the mirror ugly wrinkles from the rage.

But he knew he should be strong
cause not smiling was wrong.

So he hid into his room, took a needle and black thread
to sew his lips wide to his ears, so he could live without a threat.

In time he got so sick and tired that some nights he cried for cure,
he didn't know if he was happy, loved or hated, rich or poor.

Till some day he met a girl, pretty and kind just like his mother,
he smiled true smile, fell for her eyes, and named her, his significant other.

They made sweet love in every glade, bathroom, bed and elevator
but he once teardropped by passion and she called him 'filthy traitor'.

Not believing what just happened he ran faster than his thoughts,
drank every last tear to get drunk and tried to breath sniffing his snots.

Doomed to love her, he went back, to her heart his heart to offer
but she whispered to his ear 'forever smile or go to slaughter'.

He felt alone these few last seconds, but he was free just like a bird
and he was happy to escape from all the fake he saw and heard.

He screamed his last words with no fear, in his way to guillotine
smiling faces fucking lie you pathetic needy bitch (...) and yes i'm a fuckin’ libertine .

And death embraced his body kindly, led him to another path,
where he found a few non-smilers, with whom he shared more than a laugh."

I thanked my clone for this nice story, i did not smile, did not cry either
i just fell in that boy's dream, thinking he was a great achiever.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

- Ξεκίνα και μπαίνω - Οκ

Πίνω μία μπύρα γιατί δεν έχω φράγκο

Δεν έχω τα λεφτά του μάλφοι ντράγκο
Κάνω όμως μαγικά και το νερό ματώνει
Και στο ντουλάπι τη στολή του σταρκ του τόνυ
Γίνομαι σουπερ ήρωας, cat-μαν της γειτονιάς μου
,γη της νιότης μου, εκεί που γάμησα τα πρώτα νιά-μου
θέλω να πίνω ολημερίς, ολινυχτύς να γράφω
και όταν το πρώτο φως πα να φανεί να μπαίνω μες στον τάφο
Να μη λυσσάω, να μην διψώ, χωρίς σκέψεις να κοιμάμαι
γλυκιά ασφυξία, μέθη, μαύρα αστέρια τίποτα δε θα θυμάμαι
Εδώ δε θέλω να’μαι. ΕΓΩ δε θέλω να’μαι. σπρώξε με κ ας πέσω όπου να’ναι
Μέσα σε μια μαύρή τρύπα να γίνω μάρτυρας του χρόνου,
ποιήτης της ιστορίας, και θύμα του πρώτου φόνου
Μέσα στο μάτι του κυκλωνα, να διαλυθώ και να διαλύσω
τον προπατορικό παράδεισο να τον ξαναγαμήσω
Να είμαι ο αδαμ και η εύα μάζι σε ένα φύλο
να γαμάω τον εαυτό μου και να τρώω και το μήλο
Να πεθαίνω, ν’ανασταίνομαι απ’τις στάχτες των πλευρών μου
να κρυώνω και να καίγομαι απ’την πορεία των φτερών μου
Σπρώξε με λοιπόν κι ας πέσω όπου να ‘ναι, έκπτωτος ας είμαι,
ενα άστρο λιγότερο απο αυτα που τα παιδιά μετράνε
Τι και αν είμαι ήρωας, δε μετράω για κανένα
θέλω να πέσω χαμηλά αν είναι να βρω εσένα
Στα αρχίδια μου κι η γειτονιά μου και τα πρωτα τα μουνιάμου,
βάζω μέσα τη στολή μου δεν είναι δα και η ψωλή μου
Η ταυτότητα νομίζεις καθορίζει τα μυαλά μου
μα δεν ξέρεις τα χρόνια, τα εγώ και τα στοιχειά μου
Μα ούτε εγω ποτέ μου ήξερα ποιος είμαι τι είμαι και  πως μας λένε,
με ένα πανί στα μάτια ψηλαφώντας περπατούσα και άκουγα φωνές να λένε:”γιατι κλάινε;”
Γιατί ΚΑΙΝΕ τα καράβια μου και δε θέλω πιά ν’αράξω
λεοπάρ θε να βαφτώ, να’σαι το θύμα που θ’αρπάξω
Μες στα νύχια μου να εγκλωβίσω, το στόμα μου να σου τυλίξεί το λαιμό,
και καθώς με φόρα θα σε πιάσω να πέσουμε κι οι δυό απ το γκρεμό
Θα κρύψω και τα δόντια μου. τί νόημα θα’χει απο σένα να τραφώ?
ποτέ δε λέω αυτή τη λέξη, μα αφού πεθαίνουμε μαζί ‘σε αγαπώ’

Saturday, February 28, 2015

My Horse

My horse is a ghost, a thin veil with black bones
He stands tall and proud like a king of all thrones.

My horse is so fierce, he spreads pain with one blink
The more he forgets me, the more I use ink.

Oh he's so sharp and so clever, he played chess with two Gods
crowned me queen of Death and heaven against all the rules and odds.

He brought me flowers so unique, he had to make them to exist
I wanted to run, I wanted to leave but only draw circles inside his mist.

'cause he is a sadist, a master, a hunter, who likes to only trap his prey
and then controls the pain and laughter until I bow, until I obey.

His mind is deceitful, he's such a good liar
His eyes are true, his tongue is fire.

He claimed he would grand my every desire
but stepped on my wings so that he could fly higher.

Sadistic liar.

He has such power, his words hold tighter than a rope.
In his embrace I cannot care if I loose time or blood or hope.

Oh my horse deserves his crown, he holds the whip and the key to my cage
He freed my legs so I carry my prison and says it's my fault to have all this rage.

My horse stole my story and now lives it with another
He betrayed her love for me but they still have each other

My horse choked me to my death but how could he not foreseen?
that every night I would arise for he had made me the Death queen.

As he saw I was immortal he showed mercy to my plea
and kept his promise of two years that he would die only for me.

To others he's flesh and for me is a ghost
He chose death over the one that he'll miss the most.

My ghost is a horse, a thin veil with black bones
He died but he haunts my world which he owns.